Fuse-box 2.x

Getting the plugin

In your project install the plugin via npm with the following command:

  $ npm install --save aurelia-materialize-bridge materialize-css

You will also need a fuse-box loader. At the moment, there are two that I know of:

This document will use the first since it's the official loader. But the second by arabsight is a good one as well. :-)

Configure your app

  1. Make sure you use manual bootstrapping. In order to do so open your index.html and locate the element with the attribute aurelia-app:

    <body aurelia-app="main">

    For Material Design icons include this in your index.html head section:

     <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
  2. Update main.js in your src folder with following content:

    import {Aurelia} from 'aurelia-framework';
    import 'fuse-box-aurelia-loader';
    import 'aurelia-bootstrapper';
    export async function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
     aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-materialize-bridge', b => b.useAll().preventWavesAttach());
     await aurelia.start();
     await aurelia.setRoot('app');

    Note: The above shows how to use all available controls at once. If you choose to pick which you'd like to use, you can use single components like this:

    .plugin('aurelia-materialize-bridge', bridge => {

    At the end of this page is a full list of currently available options.

  3. Import css:

    <require from="materialize-css-styles/bin/materialize.css"></require>
  4. Configure Fuse-box:

    const { RawPlugin, FuseBox, HTMLPlugin, CSSPlugin } = require("fuse-box");
    const fuse = FuseBox.init({
       homeDir: './src',
       output: './dist/$name.js',
       plugins: [
       alias: {
         'jQuery': 'jquery',
       shim: {
         jquery: {
             source: 'node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js',
             exports: '$'
         // Materialize needs a shim here to be placed at the top of the bundle.
         // It's necessary because loading the module introduces side-effects
         // and it exports globals.
         'materialize-css': {
           source: 'node_modules/materialize-css/bin/materialize.js',
           exports: 'Materialize'
    // Because we created a shim above, we need to bundle Materialize's CSS
    // with a different name. Otherwise fuse-box will not bundle the CSS.
    // So we trick fuse-box to load a css-only module by giving meaningless (space) instructions.
    fuse.register('materialize-css-styles', {
     homeDir: 'node_modules/materialize-css',
     main: 'bin/materialize.css',
     instructions: ' '
    // Register the bridge and its contents.
    fuse.register('aurelia-materialize-bridge', {
     homeDir: 'node_modules/aurelia-materialize-bridge/dist/commonjs',
     main: 'index.js',
     instructions: '**/*.{html,css,js}'
       > main.ts
       + **/*.{ts,html,css}
       + aurelia-pal
       + aurelia-pal-browser
       + aurelia-framework 
       + aurelia-logging-console 
       + aurelia-templating-binding 
       + aurelia-templating-resources 
       + aurelia-event-aggregator 
       + aurelia-history-browser 
       + aurelia-templating-router
       + aurelia-materialize-bridge
       + materialize-css-styles
    fuse.dev({ port: 4445, root: './' });
  5. Add the bundle result to index.html

     <!DOCTYPE html>
         <meta charset="utf-8">
         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
         <title>Welcome to Aurelia with FuseBox</title>
         <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
     <body aurelia-app="main">
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="./dist/app.js"></script>

You are done!

It is now possible to drop some custom-elements into your DOM. See the other pages on this website for detailed information on how to do this.

Now you might want to do our app developers tutorial, based on Aurelia Skeleton navigation.

As described above, here is a full list of currently available options:

aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-materialize-bridge', bridge => {

Last updated