
About this application

1.1 Introduction

This application is an Aurelia application developers friendly catalog of all KendoUI native controls, now available as Aurelia components. It is the Aurelia-UI-Toolkits Aurelia-KendoUI bridge plugin that brings the KendoUI native controls into Aurelia world and this catalog application is so far the most complex application using this interface.

This catalog application is envisioned to be the primary source of information for Aurelia application developers that are planning to use Aurelia KendoUI components to build the user interface for their new applications. We also hope that this set of Aurelia KendoUI components be equally attractive to Aurelia developers who never used KendoUI before, as to KendoUI developers who never used Aurelia as their development framework.

In order to ensure that existing users of KendoUI have easy transition to using Aurelia KendoUI components instead, the Catalog index page of this application strictly resembles matching Telerik KendoUI page.

The most interesting feature of this application is the catalog of all Aurelia components, a set of well structured pages (one per Aurelia component). The internal organization of the catalog is described in the Docs section Components catalog section.

We suggest to read the Navigation Guide next.

Last updated